Links for May 21st
These are my links for May 21st:
- Illustrating your article or tutorial for developerWorks - Guide to providing illustrations for your developerWorks articles
- Authoring with the developerWorks XML templates - How to use the developerWorks XML templates
- Tivoli Federated Identity Manager Business Gateway and ASP.NET authentication - Using TFIM with .NET for enterprise SSO. Look for something similar by me in the coming months...
- The Joker is Scary - Promo shit for "The Dark Knight"... Holy shit, Heath Ledger looks freaky!
- Design Eye for the Usability Guy - "Queer Eye" still overhaul of usability guru Jakob Nielsen's webpage
- The root of all evil? - Article on SMH about Richard Dawkins
- Urban Giraffe | Dissection of a WordPress theme: Part 1 - A little bit dated now (refers to WordPress 1.5), but still a good introduction to how WordPress themes are created.
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